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Prohibition of disposables for food consumed in sit

In May 2018, we presented at the Deliberative Council of Ushuaia , a ban to prohibit the provision of disposables together with food to be consumed in the same place.

Later we presented the project once again as a popular initiative, signed by neighborhood supporting the project.

After several months, Municipal Ordinance No. 5582 was passed.


February 6, 2019 : The Gastronomic&Hotel Local Chamber gave us a space to talk about the  single-use plastics problem, and the implementation of the new regulation.

arch 26, 2019 : We were invited to the local Art School to  talk about the  threat of single-use plastic and the new regulation.

March 27, 2019: We met with:  agents of the Municipality of Ushuaia to talk about the plastic problem in our city and the implementation of Municipal Ordinance No. 5582; and with officials from the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change provincial Secretary, where we requesed the reduction of disposables at events organized by the Province.

March 28, 2019: Meeting with the Environment Commission of the Ushuaia Regional Hospital.

2nd Meeting Hands to Earth . We included the problems of the use of plastic in different activities.

April 23, 2019: Informal seminar about the threats of single-use plastic at the Ushuaia Regional Hospital .

April 29, 2019 : Los Ñires Hotel invited us to give a talk about the impact of disposables, particularly plastics, and the way in which different hotel establishments around the world are assuming the commitment to reduce single-use plastics.

May 5, 2019 . Chat with the mothers of the El Rinconcito Foundation at the End of the World (Merendero Quinta 52 de Andorra)

May 13, 2019. Talk about disposables at the Julio Verne School.

Thanks to :

@patriciaghio de Iacasi; @mariasalduna from Cumbres del Martial;

@soledadelicabe from Laguna Negra; @losempleados of the Bar Yamana;

@sebastiangarcia from Tierra de Leyendas Hotel;
@ledapilello of Traditional Therapeutic Yoga

for collaborating with its commercial spaces for the gathering of firms in support of the elimination of single-use plastics in gastronomic shops.

To the neighbors who also joined the idea by gathering firms such as @sabrinakizman and @rominabrahim

And ... of course, to all the people who accompanied the initiative with their signature .

May 28 and 29, 2019. Participation in the Environmental X-po with the theme of plastic and disposables.

June 1, 2019 . Participation in the 1st Collective Meeting for the environment.

June 25, 2019. Part of a working group to reduce the use of disposables in the Marathon organized by the Gendarmería Nacional (and talk to runners on August 4, 209)

June 27, 2019 . Participation of the Discussion about single-use plastics in the National Congress .

August 7, 2019 . Participation of the Discussion about the implementation of Ordinance 5582 organized by the Municipality of Ushuaia.

August 8, 2019 . Participation of the Conversation about plastics and nautical events.

August 14, 2019 . Talk about the organization of sustainable sporting events, with Viviana Borrego.

September 12, 2019 . Participation in a discussion about a draft ordinance to be sanctioned in the city of Bell Ville, Córdoba Province, Argentina.

November 23, 2019. VIII International Exhibition of independent environmental cinema . Participation in the panel "Environmental Education, Eco Feminism and Food Sovereignty"

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