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We believe that every change begins with an idea ... An idea that we share with others.

Some join us and we start working, each of us with what they know, what they can, what they want ...

We realize that each person who approaches multiplies our energy; each person who encourages gives us strength to continue our work.

Perhaps not everyone shares our goals. However, we believe that by sharing our experience, helping to spread the word that it is possible to organize ourselves, and showing what tools are available ... other groups can choose other aspects to work with and start creating different movements.

Starting in 2018, we organized two meetings to share knowledge and generate multipliers: Manos a la Tierra (Hands to the Earth) and Semillas al viento (Seeds to the Wind) , the first designed for the community (although not limited to it) and the second for teachers and community leaders (also open to all those who want to participate).

Any action that is related to our objectives has a place in our movement:

  • We collaborate spreading actions organized by other voluntary groups.

  • We organize actions together with other groups and institutions,

  • We join as volunteers in actions organized by others.

Let us be more!

We joined:

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We support:


We participated:

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