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#MarzoSINcolillas 2021

In the third year of #marzoSINcolillas (marchWITHOUTcigarettebutts) we propose four (4) actions or ways of joining the campaign :

⚠️Action # 1: Cigarette butt containers
If you have an office; shop; school; etc, put a cigarette butt container at the entrance. You can be very creative!
You can also donate a cigarette butt and build it with recycled products.

⚠️Action # 2: Place Posters
Place a message like "butts are garbage" or "Thank you for using cigarette butts containers" on shop windows and billboards.

⚠️Action # 3: Butts Exchange

Propose an exchange of cigarette butts for a product or service (A coffee, a craft; a souvenir; a detail; a beer; a product; a service... there are endless possibilities

⚠️Action # 4: Picking up cigarette butts
Participate in the pick-up cigarette butts activities that we are going to carry out during the month.

Exchange proposals

Exchange proposals

Exchange proposals

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